There is the possibility of enrolling in subjects on the Master’s Degree in Process Engineering as a student in a special regime. Following, we point out the information and **s to the request:
- Fill and sign the Application Form (Click here)
- E-mail requesting the subject schedule;
- Choose the subjects, totalizing 6 credits at most. Each credit corresponds to 15 hours of class;
- Make a document that justifies the selection of the subjects and the Master’s Degree in Process Engineering;
- Provide a copy of the documents: graduation certificate (dual side), graduation records, RG and CPF. The copies must be shown with the original documents or authenticated;
- After the collegiate **s the situation, if approved, the candidate will be notified and must go to the Master’s Office to pay the subject (the cost is according to the number of credits) and sign the contract.
*Cost of the credit - 2022: R$ 365 (01 credit / 15 hours of class).