Funding by the Institutional Program of Scientific Formation in Stricto Sensu Post-Graduation (PICPG) – Normative Instruction 003/2018/PRPPG (click here)
The scholarship of the Institutional Program of Scientific Formation in Stricto Sensu Post-Graduation (PICPG) is funded by the Research Support Fund of the higher-education institution and is associated to permanent teaching staff’s research projects. This kind of support has an amount annualy stablished by the Research Office of Univille.
The access to this type of scholarship occurs during the program, and its counterpart is the student’s 20-hour/week dedication to the project to which the scholarship is associated, besides the teaching internship over the period of the program.
Technological Research Foundation - FAPESC
This type of scholarship is given through a FAPESC’s specific notice, and its concession follows the rules of PROSUP/CAPES’ full scholarship.
Educational credit to students selected for the stricto sensu post-graduation courses.