Art at School 

It investigates the fields of art and culture, artistic heritage. The investigations contemplate the contemporary artistic production and the curatorial discourse analysis. The examined area involves Joinville and Florianópolis. The group tries to identify the influences of the main contemporary art exhibitions of the south region – Bienal Mercosul, Bienal VentoSul, and Bienal of São Paulo –, about the artistic production of these cities. 

Main professor: Nadja de Carvalho Lamas | 

City, Culture and Difference 

It aggregates students and professors from many fields that investigate the interfaces between cultural processes and the transformations of contemporary cities. Nowadays, it congregates investigations and studies about cities focusing on the following issues: interventions and requalification of the space in central areas; urban memories and cultural identification processes; uses and appropriations of the heritage; intangible heritage. 

Main professor: Ilanil Coelho | e-mail: 

Links: Research Group City, Culture and Difference 

Project The city in perspective: design, education and information and communications technology 

Project Connected Classes? Curriculum changes and collaborative learning between the schools of the Project UCA in Santa Catarina 

Project Jardim Sofia’s memories: scenes of the migrant city 

Interdisciplinary Studies for Cultural Heritage 

The group Interdisciplinary Studies for Cultural Heritage is an updated reformulation of the research group Regional History, that was created in 2002 and nowadays studies the cultural heritage. The group started its activities through the research project Public Hospital and Social Imaginary at the End of the Century, associated to the field of social representations and that resulted on the book “Hospital público é assim mesmo!”: representações sociais sobre um hospital público no final do século XX (by Sandra P. L. de Camargo Guedes and Eleide A. G. Findlay, Editora Univille, 2003). In the same year, the group published another book, this time towards the field of historical heritage: Cine Palácio: fragmentos da história do cinema em Joinville (by Sandra P. L. de Camargo Guedes and students of the undergraduate course in History of Univille, Editora Univille, 2003). Besides books, many scientific papers have been published, written by researchers and scholarship holders for scientific initiation and master’s degree. From 2003 to 2006, the group developed the project Social Representations on the Historic and Precolonial Heritage of Babitonga Bay’s Surrounding Cities, which made possible to be closer to the cities that are part of the area. This investigation resulted on a new, more extensive and interdisciplinary research, that aims to elaborate a historical atlas of Babitonga Bay region. Since 2008, the group has been oriented to interdisciplinary research, mainly towards the cultural heritage. In 2013, the group concluded a wide interdisciplinary investigation about the cultural heritage of Rita Island and Saí District, both in Santa Catarina, that aggregated professionals and students of the fields of History, Archaeology, Architecture, Biology, Sociology, and Geography. The current projects are oriented to the internationalization of the investigations, mainly through the project Representations of Brazil and Brazilian People in Museums. Linked to the archaeological heritage, there is the project Precolonial Human Settlements in East Coast of São Francisco do Sul Island/SC: Contribution to Coastal Archaeology and Ethnic Studies, also contemplating students of the Specialization in Archaeology. 

Main professor: Sandra Paschoal Leite de Camargo Guedes | e-mail:? 

Link: group Interdisciplinary Studies for Cultural Heritage 

Culture and Sustainability 

The group aggregates researchers concerned about the interdisciplinary comprehension and analysis of the constitution of environmental cultural heritage. The scientific production of the members of the group has prioritized the investigation of topics related to the social and political dynamics that articulate discourses of sustainability and power. Contemporary theory about cultural studies is part of the discussion of issues like preservation, perception and social representation of cultural landscape, environmental and industrial cultural heritage and contexts of these issues that stand in the way of the conceptions of memory and identity. 

Main professor: Mariluci Neis Carelli | e-mail: 


Interrelations of Languages 

The group deals with the interrelations of languages. The conceptual proposal is to think the hybridization of languages in the contemporaneity and its effects on culture. Borders, boundaries, and the formation of the hybridization as a cultural locus have always occurred, but they have been expanding very fast in communication society. According to this, it is intended to foment the discussion about the processes of transformation of languages and its effects on culture. 

Main professor: Taiza Mara Rauen Moraes | e-mail: 

Link: Interrelations of Languages 

Cultural Heritage, Innovation, and Intellectual Property: Regional Development and Sustainability 

The focus of the group is to identify how the management and the protection of heritage can be tools for the development, considering the new reality from the information society. In this new paradigm, innovation and intellectual property are keywords to productive sector, which reflects direct and indirectly in the preservation of cultural heritage, in its many variations, likewise culture deals with new challenges and its economy. 

Main professor: Patrícia de Oliveira Areas | 

Subjectivities and (Auto)biography

The objective of the debates of the group is the challenges of working with the life writing and the understanding that the (auto)biographic registry is a heuristic production. The debates about the rhizomes built with the (auto)biographies in social networks, the democratization of narratives, the discourses implied in the self-architectures, in the self-technologies, or in oneself and the processes of contemporary subjectivations are present and go through investigations about discursive practices in the political field of education and memory. The group is concerned about the construction of connected archives of (auto)biographies that mainly deals with the chronical condition of diseases, the contemporary discourses and the production of subjectivities related to discourses towards the precarity of life, the helplessness, and social vulnerability, and, at the same time, with epistemological implications of this kind of narrative, as well as the political values and factors of democratization of life stories as cultural heritage. 

Main professor: Raquel Alvarenga Sena Venera | 

Assistant professor: José Roberto Severino - UFBA |?