Learn about the research groups

GECDOTE - Curriculum Studies, Teaching, and Technologies Research Group

The group aims to develop investigations about the curriculum in terms of curricular policies and educational practices in basic education, as well as about teacher work and formation, especially regarding the use of digital technologies. As a dialogical space, the group is constituted of professors and researchers from the Master’s in Education Program and from the undergraduate courses of the University of the Region of Joinville (Univille), of students from the Master’s in Education Program and from the undergraduate courses of Univille, of teachers from basic education, and researchers from other universities. 
Leaders: Profa. Dra. Jane Mery Richter Voigt e Profa. Dra. Marly Krüger de Pesce


GETRAFOR – Teachers’ Work and Education Studies and Research Group

The group aims to study the labor market and the teacher
education in their many areas, according to a multidetermined perspective that consider historical, political, and cultural aspects. The group develops investigations supported by institutional funds (from Univille), as well as by funding agencies (CNPq and CAPES). It is a collective space for researchers’ formation and identity constitution, involving methodological and theoretical aspects. The investigations developed by GETRAFOR’s members are systematically presented in important education events, like: Anped Nacional, Anped Regional Sul, ENDIPE, EDUCERE, etc. 
Leaders: Profa. Dra. Aliciene Fusca Machado Cordeiro, Profa. Dra. Rita Buzzi Rausch e Profa. Dra. Sonia Maria Ribeiro

Blog: http://trabalhoeformacaodocente.blogspot.com.br/ 
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/getrafor  
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GETRAFOR/
E-mail: getrafor.univille@gmail.com

GPEI – Education and Childhood Policies and Practices Research Group

The group is constituted of professors from the Master’s in Education Program and from the undergraduate courses, of teachers from public basic education, of students from the Master’s in Education Program and from the undergraduate courses of Univille, and researchers and professors from other universities. It is expected the group is one more space for discussions, studies, investigations, and systematization of knowledge about education policies and practices to Brazilian and Latin-American childhood.
Leader: Profa. Dra. Rosânia Campos

Homepage: https://educacaoeinfancia.wixsite.com/gpei

LEPEd – Reading and Writing in Educational Practices

The group aims to develop investigations that relate reading and writing aspects in different educational practices. The study about writing and reading educational practices, in distinct contexts, is socially essential, since it is present in all educational activities, as writing is in the center of teaching practice in all areas. This concern is based on the conception of subjects considering their individuality, and their own engagement in writing, which reflects on their formation process and on their insertion in writing universe. The group investigations contribute to the discussions that involve reading and writing practices and are more visible in presentations of dissertations, publication of scientific articles and participation in scientific events.
Leaders: Profa. Dra. Rosana Mara Koerner e Profa. Dra. Berenice Rocha Zabbot Garcia

Homepage: https://www.facebook.com/letrafor/

NUPAE – Art in Education Research Center

NUPAE, created and recognized by Univille in 2003 and registered at CNPq in the same year, a partnership with University of Minho, Braga/Portugal, aims to develop research actions internally and externally. The group is made up of scholarship holders from the undergraduate and post-graduate courses; professors/coordinators of the Visual Arts, Teaching, Mathematics, History, and Design courses; students and ex-students from the Master’s in Education Program, and the Cultural Heritage and Society Post-Graduation Program of Univille; and of members from other states (São Paulo and Paraná). This group focuses on the following lines of research: public policies and educational practices, thinking about art/education and patrimonial education emphasizing the public policies and educational practices; and methodology, formation, curriculum, and assessment, reflecting about the formal, non-formal and informal education, curriculum, and assessment. The research center has many publications and participations in scientific events, in order to spread knowledge to the community, especially to the public schools.
Leader: Profa. Dra. Silvia Sell Duarte Pillotto

Homepage: http://gruponupae.blogspot.com.br/