Concentration Area - Health and Environment

Lines of Research - Health and Disease

It investigates aspects related to the process health/disease/attention, through an interdisciplinary approach, going deeper into the interface with the environment in which the subject is inserted. It comprehends the development of tools or strategies and processes applied to prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases, likewise the research of their genetic, social, environmental, cultural, and epidemiological determinants. Health evaluation has as objects health policies, practices, and services, using theories and methodologies based on human sciences in its interface with collective health.

Specific Research Lines



Marco Fabio Mastroeni, Paulo Henrique Condeixa de França, Helbert do Nascimento Lima, Marcelo Pitombeira de Lacerda

Health Evaluation

Daniela Delwing de Lima, Jean Carl Silva, Luciano Soares, Helbert do Nascimento Lima, Marcelo Pitombeira de Lacerda, Flares Baratto Filho

Applied Biotechnology

Paulo Henrique Condeixa de França, Marco Fabio Mastroeni, Sebastian Michael Strauch, Flares Baratto Filho, Andréa Lima dos Santos Schneider 

Health Promotion

Marco Fabio Mastroeni, Gilmar Sidnei Erzinger, Jean Carl Silva, Daniela Delwing de Lima, Antonio Vinicius Soares, Helbert do Nascimento Lima

Public Policies for Health and Environment

Therezinha Maria Novais de Oliveira, Luciano Soares, Marco Fabio Mastroeni 

Innovation Management for Health and Environment

Luciano Soares, Gilmar Sidnei Erzinger

Lines of Research - Environmental Quality and Health

It investigates abiotic, biotic, and sociocultural aspects towards the relationship between the environmental quality and human health. So, many approaches are used, including surveys, diagnosis, experiments, **s, and contextual studies that aim to characterize the relationship between health and environment, to point out indicators of environmental quality or to use them in monitoring that make possible long-term **s of social and environmental issues. It also seeks to develop tools and processes applied to prevent and mediate social, environmental and health problems.

Specific Research Lines


Environmental and Health Diagnosis

Therezinha Maria Novais de Oliveira, Marta Jussara Cremer, Gilmar Sidnei Erzinger, Paulo Henrique Condeixa de França, Luciano Lorenzi, Marco Fabio Mastroeni, Rodolfo Coelho Prates, Sebastian Michael Strauch, João Carlos Ferreira de Melo Junior, Celso Voos Vieira

Environmental and Health Indicators

Therezinha Maria Novais de Oliveira, Marta Jussara Cremer, Luciano Lorenzi, Marco Fabio Mastroeni, João Carlos Ferreira de Melo Junior, Celso Voos Vieira

Environmental and Health Technology

Gilmar Sidnei Erzinger, Paulo Henrique Condeixa de França, Marco Fabio Mastroeni, João Carlos Ferreira de Melo Junior, Sebastian Michael Strauch, Andréa Lima dos Santos Schneider 

Sociocultural and Eco-Environmental Aspects of Health and Disease

Luciano Soares, Celso Voos Vieira

Public Policies for Health and Environment

Marta Jussara Cremer, Therezinha Maria Novais de Oliveira, Luciano Soares, Marco Fabio Mastroeni, Rodolfo Coelho Prates, Celso Voos Vieira