Master’s and Doctorate 

The stricto sensu post-graduate programs comprehend the master’s and doctorate courses, which have their own project and statute. The creation of stricto sensu courses follows the criteria established by the institution, research groups already consolidated and in consolidation, and relevant scientific production, according to the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education (CAPES)’s regulations. The stricto sensu post-graduate programs periodically run a self-evaluation exam, as well as participate of the external evaluation process promoted by CAPES. 

Learn more about the course 

The Master’s Degree in Cultural Heritage and Society aims to train professors for the higher education that are able to articulate teaching to research and the investigation towards teaching, in an interdisciplinary perspective, and to qualify professionals that already work in organizations related to the protection/valorization, transmission/diffusion and social appropriation of the cultural heritage. 

The Master in Cultural Heritage and Society will be able to answer the social demands related to the knowledge in cultural heritage (in higher and basic education, in counseling and management in different organizations) and to continue his/her formation in the doctorate level, especially in interdisciplinary programs. 

Students’ Profile: because of its interdisciplinary nature, the Master’s Degree in Cultural Heritage and Society is addressed to professionals with different backgrounds: cultural and environmental managers, professionals that work in museums, archives, cultural and memory centers, teachers, lawyers, visual communicators, managers and other professionals from the fields of social sciences and humanities that want or need to expand their qualification. 

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Explore the course and the university 

Univille has full facilities for your qualification. 

Check out some places where you will be able to attend theory and practical classes, to study and to have relaxation moments!  



The Master’s Degree in Cultural Heritage and Society has available 135 laboratories, but the interdisciplinary nature of the program, the field of humanities, makes some laboratories more used than others. Following, we have the laboratories that are frequently used by professors and students to develop their investigations: 

Computer laboratories: with access to the internet and to the worldwide network of research, they make possible the interactivity in collaborative virtual environments.? 

Center for Arts and Design (CAD): it has its own room for theatrical performances, with infrastructure of sound, light, sceneries, and outfits. Painting, pottery with electrical oven, print, and weaving laboratories are also part of CAD.  

Center for Digital Cartography and Geographic Information System (CCD-SIG): it offers to students and professors specialized technical support to map information, contributing to the analysis, and the distribution of the phenomena studied over time and space. 

Microbiology Laboratory: it is an important tool for studies related to, for example, incubation and identification of fungal cultures, implying treatment methodologies and conservation of fixed and movable cultural goods. 

Oral History Laboratory (LHO): It has a collection of approximately 500 interviews recorded according to the oral history methodology. All of them were transcribed and have the interviewers’ authorization. There is also in this laboratory a full catalogue of the description of all the interviews, through abstracts and divided by issues. LHO offers the agility in the use of interviews that many oral archives do not. Orientation and technical support to produce oral sources are also given. There is a research group that meets monthly to discuss topics and references that involve oral history methodology and theories.  

Check out the Oral History Laboratory website 

Archaeology Laboratory: it subsidizes studies about archaeological heritage, with material to site activities and equipment, like portable digital microscopy with amplification of 30X with polarized light and 50X to detailed **s of archaeological objects. 

Weather Station: it has a manual and an automatic station that, besides data collection, support practical classes related to climatology, meteorology and the implications on the monitoring and the preservation of the environmental heritage and the one built in the region. The station makes available a large database to the general population, and to the public power, and this database is intensely used to release reports, to help the insurances, civil defense, urban planning, and engineering companies, and to preserve the historical heritage of Joinville and region. 

Studies on Cultural Heritage Laboratory: under implantation process. It aims to make available a database related to the cultural heritage of the region and has the following tools: computer with a software for documentary edition with two computer monitors, Sony camera for records, Cannon Rebel 600D T3 HD 12.2 mp camera, 18-55 mm IS lens, wireless lapel microphone, lighting video kit–continuous light. In 2012, the laboratory was expanded, with the acquisition of the equipment to produce a documentary, through the project about the industrial heritage, funded by Support for Scientific and Technological Research Foundation of Santa Catarina (Fapesc). 

Other laboratories used by the Master’s Degree in Cultural Heritage and Society: Photographic Laboratory, Photographic Studio, Model Laboratory, Materials Laboratory, Pedagogical Laboratory for Education, and Geology Laboratory. 

Through a partnership signed with the Cultural Foundation of Joinville, the Master’s Degree in Cultural Heritage and Society can also access spaces, collections, and laboratories of the Archaeological Museum of Shell Midden, the Historical Archive of Joinville, the National Museum of Immigration and Colonization, the Museum of Art of Joinville, the Fritz Alt House Museum, the Memory Station, and the Cidadela Cultural Antarctica, for both practical classes and development of investigations. 


The Master’s Degree in Cultural Heritage and Society uses mainly the Central Library in Joinville, as well as the Univille’s Library System (Sibiville), which has seven integrated libraries located in its campi and units. Clicking on the link of the Library, on Univille’s website (, there are options to check the collection, user’s access (bibliographic materials reservations and renewal), bibliographic, audiovisual, and digital materials purchase request, statutes, selection and acquisition policy, and EBSCO and CAPES’ portal database access. 

The services offered by the library are: loan, interlibrary loan, collection consultation, renewals, reservations, online debt verification, unresolved material verification, COMUT, bibliographic search, training for databases use (EBSCO, CAPES’ portal, and other data sources important to the academic field), Shared Journal Articles Indexing (ICAP), Collective Catalogue of Libraries from Acafe Network of Santa Catarina State (BiblioAcafe), elaboration of cataloguing card, and students and professors’ training.  


With duration of 24 months, the curriculum allows the Master’s degree student to attend 30 credits, distributed in mandatory subjects (12 credits), mandatory activities (8 credits), elective subjects (4 credits), and dissertation writing–mandatory (6 credits). 

Contemporary Thought and Interdisciplinarity;  
History and Heritage Theories; 
Memory and Identity 
Culture, Citizenship, and Sustainable Development; 
Dissertations Seminar I; 
Dissertations Seminar II 
Scientific Production Seminar I 
Scientific Production Seminar II 

Biodiversity, Traditional Knowledge and Innovation;  
Indigenous Culture, Environment and Education;  
Material Culture;  
Visual and Verbal Culture; 
Challenges in Patrimonial Education;  
Aesthetics and Art; 
Cultural Studies; 
Cultural Heritage Management; 
Cultural Memory and Archives; 
Academic Mobility; 
Cultural Landscape and Patrimonialization in Rural and Urban Spaces;  
Archaeological and Environmental Heritage; 
Cultural Heritage and Rights; 

Cultural Heritage and Rainforest;  

World Heritage and Tourism; 

Religious Heritage and Religiosities; 

Ethics, Sustainability and Human Rights in Brazil) 

Check out the studies program of Cultural Heritage and Society
(click here) 

Concentration área


Lines of research 

Heritage, Environment and Sustainable Development 

The line of research studies and develops interdisciplinary investigations about heritage, considering culture, nature, sustainability and citizenship as transversal conceptions, on public policies, environmental and archaeological heritage, tangible/intagible culture, indigenous history, cultural landscape, education for the cultural and environmental heritage, innovation, intellectual property, legislation and other law instruments, cultural knowledge and doing, and effects of the climate changes over the cultural and environmental heritage. For this purpose, it involves theoretical-methodological approaches, like discourse analysis, representations, oral history, hermeneutics, archeography, paleobiology, ethnobiology and laboratorial research. 

Heritage, Memory and Languages 

The line of research studies and develops interdisciplinary investigations about cultural heritage, focusing on different theoretical perspectives over the memory and its ramifications in expressions of identities and languages. The issues contemplate the heritage and the patrimonializations related to: cultural policies management (both public and private), dimensions of material and intangible culture, world heritage, museums and memory centers, archives and collections, elaboration of inventories, records, and legal and judicial proceedings, (auto)biographies and life stories, artistical processes and their institutionalization, imbrication with the visual, verbal, and digital, history and epistemology of the heritage, and interaction with immigration and tourism networks. 


Art at School 

It investigates the fields of art and culture, artistic heritage. The investigations contemplate the contemporary artistic production and the curatorial discourse analysis. The examined area involves Joinville and Florianópolis. The group tries to identify the influences of the main contemporary art exhibitions of the south region – Bienal Mercosul, Bienal VentoSul, and Bienal of São Paulo –, about the artistic production of these cities. 

Main professor: Nadja de Carvalho Lamas | e-mail:? 

City, Culture and Difference 

It aggregates students and professors from many fields that investigate the interfaces between cultural processes and the transformations of contemporary cities. Nowadays, it congregates investigations and studies about cities focusing on the following issues: interventions and requalification of the space in central areas; urban memories and cultural identification processes; uses and appropriations of the heritage; intangible heritage. 

Main professor: Ilanil Coelho | e-mail: 

Links: Research Group City, Culture and Difference 

Project The city in perspective: design, education and information and communications technology 

Project Connected Classes? Curriculum changes and collaborative learning between the schools of the Project UCA in Santa Catarina 

Project Jardim Sofia’s memories: scenes of the migrant city 

Interdisciplinary Studies for Cultural Heritage 

The group Interdisciplinary Studies for Cultural Heritage is an updated reformulation of the research group Regional History, that was created in 2002 and nowadays studies the cultural heritage. The group started its activities through the research project Public Hospital and Social Imaginary at the End of the Century, associated to the field of social representations and that resulted on the book “Hospital público é assim mesmo!”: representações sociais sobre um hospital público no final do século XX (by Sandra P. L. de Camargo Guedes and Eleide A. G. Findlay, Editora Univille, 2003). In the same year, the group published another book, this time towards the field of historical heritage: Cine Palácio: fragmentos da história do cinema em Joinville (by Sandra P. L. de Camargo Guedes and students of the undergraduate course in History of Univille, Editora Univille, 2003). Besides books, many scientific papers have been published, written by researchers and scholarship holders for scientific initiation and master’s degree. From 2003 to 2006, the group developed the project Social Representations on the Historic and Precolonial Heritage of Babitonga Bay’s Surrounding Cities, which made possible to be closer to the cities that are part of the area. This investigation resulted on a new, more extensive and interdisciplinary research, that aims to elaborate a historical atlas of Babitonga Bay region. Since 2008, the group has been oriented to interdisciplinary research, mainly towards the cultural heritage. In 2013, the group concluded a wide interdisciplinary investigation about the cultural heritage of Rita Island and Saí District, both in Santa Catarina, that aggregated professionals and students of the fields of History, Archaeology, Architecture, Biology, Sociology, and Geography. The current projects are oriented to the internationalization of the investigations, mainly through the project Representations of Brazil and Brazilian People in Museums. Linked to the archaeological heritage, there is the project Precolonial Human Settlements in East Coast of São Francisco do Sul Island/SC: Contribution to Coastal Archaeology and Ethnic Studies, also contemplating students of the Specialization in Archaeology. 

Main professor: Sandra Paschoal Leite de Camargo Guedes | e-mail:? 

Link: group Interdisciplinary Studies for Cultural Heritage 

Culture and Sustainability 

The group aggregates researchers concerned about the interdisciplinary comprehension and analysis of the constitution of environmental cultural heritage. The scientific production of the members of the group has prioritized the investigation of topics related to the social and political dynamics that articulate discourses of sustainability and power. Contemporary theory about cultural studies is part of the discussion of issues like preservation, perception and social representation of cultural landscape, environmental and industrial cultural heritage and contexts of these issues that stand in the way of the conceptions of memory and identity. 

Main professor: Mariluci Neis Carelli | e-mail: 

Interrelations of Languages 

The group deals with the interrelations of languages. The conceptual proposal is to think the hybridization of languages in the contemporaneity and its effects on culture. Borders, boundaries, and the formation of the hybridization as a cultural locus have always occurred, but they have been expanding very fast in communication society. According to this, it is intended to foment the discussion about the processes of transformation of languages and its effects on culture. 

Main professor: Taiza Mara Rauen Moraes | e-mail: 

Link: Interrelations of Languages 

Cultural Heritage, Innovation, and Intellectual Property: Regional Development and Sustainability 

The focus of the group is to identify how the management and the protection of heritage can be tools for the development, considering the new reality from the information society. In this new paradigm, innovation and intellectual property are keywords to productive sector, which reflects direct and indirectly in the preservation of cultural heritage, in its many variations, likewise culture deals with new challenges and its economy. 

Main professor: Patrícia de Oliveira Areas | 

Subjectivities and (Auto)biography? 

The objective of the debates of the group is the challenges of working with the life writing and the understanding that the (auto)biographic registry is a heuristic production. The debates about the rhizomes built with the (auto)biographies in social networks, the democratization of narratives, the discourses implied in the self-architectures, in the self-technologies, or in oneself and the processes of contemporary subjectivations are present and go through investigations about discursive practices in the political field of education and memory. The group is concerned about the construction of connected archives of (auto)biographies that mainly deals with the chronical condition of diseases, the contemporary discourses and the production of subjectivities related to discourses towards the precarity of life, the helplessness, and social vulnerability, and, at the same time, with epistemological implications of this kind of narrative, as well as the political values and factors of democratization of life stories as cultural heritage. 

Main professor: Raquel Alvarenga Sena Venera | 

Assistant professor: José Roberto Severino - UFBA |?