Learn about the umbrella research projects

Umbrella research projects

They aim to structure the production  and  dissemination of the technical-scientific knowledge through the integration of research, teaching, extension, social insertion, orientation, among others, activities. They must impact the students’ final year projects  and  are a guide for activities with the productive, public,  and  social sectors, contributing with the technology exchange. The projects are:

(1) IRIS 2 - The image  and  the tools for the conception  and  development of instruments in the field of design, coordinated by professor João Eduardo Chagas Sobral, aims to develop research about the image as a symbolic system,  and  the tools for the conception  and  development of instruments in the field of design. Also, it has the objectives of potentializing theoretical  and  practical research about the material  and  manufacturing culture, of articulating activities along with research partners  and  of progressing, in terms of interdisciplinary, graduation, post-graduation  and   the productive sector. It is the continuation of the Iris 1 project, “The photographic image  and  the tools for the conception  and  development of projects of tridimensional instruments”, that aimed to study the relationship between the photographic image  and  the conception  and  development of tridimensional objects.

(2) RE-CRIAR - The Design Creative Dimensions for Sustainability, coordinated by professor Anna Luiza Moraes de Sá Cavalcanti, intends to investigate the influence of the design in sustainability  and  to study the relevant points to the development of sustainable products  and  services in all value chain. The reflections generated by the theoretical/practical research aim direct applications in projects of products  and  services that are converted to society through partnerships with the productive sector, the academy,  and  the community. It is the continuation of the RE-USE project, “Investigation about the reutilization of industrial waste in the region of Joinville: a design perspective based on upcycling approach”, that had the objective to investigate the disposal of solid industrial waste possible to be reused in the region of Joinville, trying to comprehend how this practice happens in some companies.

(3) SIMBOL 2 – The Design  and  its Borders in the Social Institution of Symbolic Culture, coordinated by professor Elenir Carmen Morgenstern, aims to develop investigations about design based on cultural anthropology, contemplating the design  and  its borders in the social institution of symbolic culture. It is a theoretical  and  practical research that **s the design not only materially speaking, but also as a social practice, considering the limits  and  hybridisms of other fields. It is a continuation of SIMBOL project, “The design  and  the social institution of material  and  symbolic culture”, that had the objective to analyze practices of the field of design through the perspective of the cultural anthropology, studying them not only materially (in terms of technique or aesthetics), but also as a social practice that consider the symbolic universe of its historical context.

(4) ETHOS - Design  and  Use Relationships, coordinated by professor Marli Teresinha Everling, aims to develop activities guided to the design (participation culture, new design, protagonism, sustainability)  and  to the use relationships (usability, use experience, user’s behavior, empathy, prescriptive  and  real use, among others). It is a continuation of URBE Project, “The use relationships  and  the urban context as a support to the prospective design of products  and  services in the city of Joinville”, that had the objective to investigate the user’s behavior  and  its activities in the urban landscape as a resource to produce support information to the prospective design of products  and  services.

(5) DESUS - Studies  and  Actions Guided to Design, Sustainability  and  Social Innovation, coordinated by professor Adriane Shibata Santos, aims to promote actions related to teaching, research  and  extension in design considering the sustainability, its dimensions,  and  its social innovation. The areas of influence primarily contemplate design  and  urban context, product-service systems, materials,  and  innovation in design. It is a continuation of the D4SMOB project, “Contributions from the design to the sustainable development of the cities: a case study in Joinville”. The investigation focused on the concept of intelligent  and  sustainable cities, considering first the urban context of Joinville,  and  the relationship between the design  and  the social reality of Joinville.

(6) DSERV - Service Design  and  Relationship with Clients, coordinated by professor Victor Rafael Laurenciano Aguiar, has the objectives to investigate the field of service design  and  to comprehend the relationship between the organizations with their clients. The proposal is a continuation of the project “Design as a tool of strategic innovation in industries of transformation of Joinville”, that aimed, through a survey with a sample of companies, to understand the conception of design, as well as innovation, and, finally, to investigate strategic innovation actions.

(7) IN-SOCI@L - Technology to Innovation  and  Social Impact Businesses, coordinated by professor Luiz Melo Romão, discusses the role of design in the process of social transformation  and  in the reinforcement of social entrepreneurship. It has the objectives to investigate  and  elaborate innovative tools  and  practices to stimulate  and  support the development of solutions to social problems, to promote the creation of businesses through products, processes or sustainable  and  creative services that cause social  and  environmental impact  and  to elaborate ways to measure the social impact provoked by the evolution of the program students’ proposals.

(8) GBRAND - Investigation of Brand Management  and  Product Design, coordinated by professor Elcio Ribeiro da Silva, has the following objectives: to distinguish the principles of contemporaneous design, considering aspects of consumer’s interaction  and  behavior stimulated by the urban  and  technological evolution; to identify the applications of contemporaneous design in the construction of brands according to design in urban, market  and  behavior contexts; to comprehend the transformation  and  the influence of material culture, its values  and  its symbolic  and  aesthetic issues; to measure the possible impacts of brand communication in the market  and  society, when it comes to actions  and  repercussions of the design in practices of production, management,  and  behavior to be more conscious about sustainable values in the consumption.

(9) PRISMA - Design  and  Materials: New Perspectives to Technological Production  and  Sustainability, coordinated by professor Danilo Corrêa Silva. The main objective of this project is to promote investigations  and  developments on technology  and  academy related to new materials  and  its applications in product design. For that matter, it foments the development  and  application of new materials derived from technological innovation processes, as well as meets the local demands toward the reuse of waste from the agroindustrial production of Joinville  and  region. The main repercussions of the project are the articulation of knowledges  and  activities between the academic context, the productive environment,  and  the community in general,  and  the social appropriation of products with innovative  and  sustainable characteristics.

(10) VALORIZA - Appreciation  and  reduction of waste aiming to the environmental, economic,  and  social sustainability, coordinated by professor Noeli Sellin. The project has the following objectives: to add value to waste from different processes  and  systems through strategies  and  technologies that promote the reuse, the repair, the remanufacture,  and  the recycling; to develop/improve systems, products, processes,  and  services based on circular economy, aiming to the environmental, economic,  and  social sustainability; to develop strategical  and  innovative solutions to reduce the environmental impacts caused by consumer goods, services, systems,  and  processes, in pre-production, production, distribution, consumption,  and  disposal/recycling stages, applying the life-cycle analysis (LCA) as a design tool toward sustainability  and  strategic design.