Defended Dissertations - 2020

Class XIII

COSTA, Márcia Ferreira da.  Adsorption of copper by orange bagasse: thermodynamic  and  kinetic aspects. Supervisor: Profa. Dra. Sandra Helena Westrupp Medeiros (UNIVILLE). Abstract / Final Project

DESCHAMPS, Joara Lúcia do Nascimento.  Production  and  characterization of biocomposites obtained by Pleurotus sajor-caju culture in substrates of malte bagasse  and  banana leaves. Supervisor: Profa. Dra. Elisabeth Wisbeck (UNIVILLE). Abstract / Final Project 

RIFFEL, Elias. Proposal of an organizational learning model to manage the application of lean manufacturing principles in the execution processes of civil construction worksSupervisor: Prof. Dr. Claiton Emilio do Amaral (UNIVILLE). Abstract / Final Project

WERLICH, Vanderlei.  The relationship between quality control circle  and  the organizational learning process in Santa Catarina quality control circles center. Supervisor: Profa Dra. Denise Abatti Kasper Silva (UNIVILLE). Abstract / Final Project