Defended Dissertations - 2018

Class X

PINTO, Natan Bittencourt. Technical  and  economic viability for the implantation of a photovoltaic energy plant in a technology company located at the University of Joinville Region campus. Supervisor: Profa. Dra. Sandra Helena Westrupp Medeiros. Abstract Final Project

SOUZA, Luis Francisco. Drying of Pinus taeda boards: effect of temperature, air velocity  and  wood cutting direction over the drying velocity  and  the flaws generated in the dried materialSupervisor: Prof. Dr. Ozair Souza. Abstract Final Project

Class XI

SANDRIN, Bianca Maria. Alcoholic fermentation of most constituted of different combinations of banana culture residual biomass.  Supervisor:  Prof. Dr. Ozair Souza. Abstract / Final Project

BOLGENHAGEN, Adriano. Comparative evaluation of the parameters that influence the lateral collage of wood panels of Pinus elliottii  and  P. taeda.  Supervisor:  Profa. Dra. Noeli Sellin. Abstract / Final Project

SWIRKOWSKY, Marcelo. Evaluation of the use of metallic slag from the production of steel pipes with seam for self-reducing briquettes. Supervisor:  Profa. Dra. Noeli Sellin. Abstract / Final Project

RODRIGUES, Sandoval Barbosa. Performance evaluation of the chemical, biological, physical,  and  integrated-technology indicators for detecting non-condensable gases under the sterilization process. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ozair Souza. Abstract Final Project

PORTO, Renato César Tobias. Synthesis and characterization of zinc-oxide nanowires for the production of poly(vinyl butyral) nanocomposites. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. André Lourenço Nogueira. Abstract Final Project

SCHLICKMANN,Katlen  Priscila.  Effect of the incorporation of calcium carbonate micro  and  nanoparticles in polyvinyl chloride aiming at the industrial use. Supervisor: Profa. Dra. Ana Paula Testa Pezzin. Abstract Final Project

ROCHA, Maria Isabel. Production of Pleurotus sajor-caju biocomposites using yerba mate  and  guarana waste. Supervisor: Profa. Dra. Elisabeth Wisbeck. Abstract Final Project

UCHÔA, Patricia Zigoski. Biomass ethanol from banana culture: production, simulation,  and  preliminary economic analysis. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ozair Souza 

EXTERKOETTER, Ana Cristina.  Incorporation of silver nanoparticles in microcrystalline cellulose particles for water disinfection. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. André Lourenço Nogueira. 

CAMARGO, Michely Sayumi Alves. Evaluation of the bacterial cellulose degradation after exposition to different abiotic  and   biotic environmentsSupervisor: Profa. Dra. Ana Paula Testa Pezzin. 

RANZAN, Taise. Recycling through injection  and  new chromium plating of scrapped chromed ABS pieces. Supervisor: Profa. Dra. Noeli Sellin. 

WITECK,Gabriela da Rosa. Learning processes in research groups that deal with the environment: Univille’s case report. Supervisor: Profa. Dra. Sandra Aparecida Furlan.