2015 Projects

Class I

ACAUAN, Eloah Maria Oliveira. The perspective of perceptions: an analysis of the language of photography in children. Tutor: João Eduardo Chagas Sobral. 

ANDRIGHI, Jean Fabyano. Safe route to flooding days: development of visual elements to assist the population’s locomotion, warning and localization. Tutor: Virginia Grace Barros.  

CANÔNICA, Rosangela. Contributions of design in third sector. Tutor: Rita Inês Petrykowski Peixe. 

FAGUNDES, Victor Henrique. Interface design guidelines for third age: project guide for the development of interfaces in refrigerators to aging public. Tutor: Adriane Shibata Santos. 

LORENZI, Rita de Cassia Rothbarth. Design and craft: a mutual social relationship. Tutor: Elenir Carmen Morgenstern.  

MARTINS, Miguel Cañas. The creative process in architecture and design: common ground and the discussion about identity at Metroquadrado. Tutor: Marli Teresinha Everling.

PEREIRA, Irma Haensch. Surface design: the appreciation of Sea National Museum through the creation of artefacts. Tutor: João Eduardo Chagas Sobral. 

SCHULENBURG, Larissa Angeoleti. Design management as a generator of market opportunities in Grampel industry. Tutor: Victor Rafael Laurenciano Aguiar. 

SOUZA, Luis Eduardo de. Frozen food packaging design: a case study of Itálica Industry and Food Trade Ltda. Tutor: Marli Teresinha Everling. 

SZOMOROVSZKY, Mateus. Proposal for service design to a system of packaging and gathering of waste from civil construction in small works. Tutor: Anna Luiza Moraes de Sá Cavalcanti. 

ZAMBERLAN,  Sidnei Luiz. Product development based on the reuse of disposed metallic materials. Tutor: Anna Luiza Moraes de Sá Cavalcanti. 

Class II

AMORIM, Carlos Alberto. Drying device for surgical instruments. Tutor: João Eduardo Chagas Sobral. 

2016 Projects

Class II 

ALVES, Marcelo. Technology for moving and transferring of reduced-motion people in bed. Tutor: Anna Luiza Moraes de Sá Cavalcanti. 

BASSOLI, Kaísa Kempfer. Methodological and project guidelines for fashion products development based on collaborative design: a proposal to Vale do Itapocu companies. Tutor: Victor Rafael Laurenciano Aguiar. 

BERNARDI, Daniela. Product design, project, and development for Serflex furniture industry. Tutor: João Eduardo Chagas Sobral. 

CAMARGO, Johnatan Marcos Ricobom. Design of the equipment NG-Tox for Ecobabitonga Technology. Tutor: João Eduardo Chagas Sobral. 

CRUZ, Allyson Thiago da. Service design for the development of an online interior design project platform for business class. Tutor: Adriane Shibata Santos. 

GRUBER, Valdirene. Textile material and Santa Catarina industry: proposal for a textile laboratory to Univille’s Design graduation course. Tutor: Adriane Shibata Santos. 

KORNER, Edson. Fashion product design and development: organization of a projectual structure for the subjects Collection Project of the Graduation Program in Fashion Design Technology of Senai/Curitiba. Tutor: Marli Teresinha Everling. 

POLETTO, Filipe. Interface development of a web system for scientific meetings management: GAMPI Plural case study. Tutor: Victor Rafael Laurenciano Aguiar. 

RAITER, Susane Wolf Tomelin. Design thinking and theatrical scenography principles for an interior design projectual process in retail environment. Tutor: Marli Teresinha Everling. 

SILVA, Jéssica de Almenau da. Fashion industry and social projects: possible cooperative practices. Tutor: Elenir Carmen Morgenstern. 

STAHN, Maria Odete Duarte. Action research and participative design: sensibility and empathy for a social groups approach. Tutor: Marli Teresinha Everling.

STEINHAUSER, Edna Regina. Purses ecodesign: an upcycling project of raffia bags to craft communities of Blumenau region, Santa Catarina. Tutor: Anna Luiza Moraes de Sá Cavalcanti. 

ZANCHETT, Rosenei Terezinha. Innovation process diagnoses in product development in Inova Moda project companies, in Santa Catarina. Tutor: Victor Rafael Laurenciano Aguiar. 


Class III

GANSKE, Morgana Creuz. Design for social innovation: a perspective about the designer’s practice in a complex world, in a practical application called Mangrove Route. Tutor: Marli Teresinha Everling. 

GUIMARÃES, Elisangela Manarim. Clothing sewing distance teaching: intersubjective possibilities for the expansion of fashion knowledge at IFSC, Jaraguá do Sul (SC). Tutor: Elenir Carmen Morgenstern. 

LANDMANN, Daniel Rodrigo. Proposal of a digital platform for products and services appreciation. Tutor: Victor Rafael Laurenciano Aguiar. 

SCHMIDT, Marco Aurélio Vieira. Ecodesign applied to Brazilian nautical market: development of a 16-feet modular boat. Tutor: Adriane Shibata Santos. 

STEINER, Ricardo. Development of gifts based on material reuse: a sustainable perspective. Tutor: Anna Luiza Moraes de Sá Cavalcanti. 

TAVARES, Raphael Alexandre. Instructional multimedia animation in 360º virtual reality. Tutor: Adriane Shibata Santos. 

2017 Projects

Class III
ALMEIDA, Michelle Françoise Haswany de. Material design and culture in Santa Catarina: a furniture production approach. Tutor: Elenir Carmen Morgenstern. 

BRUDZINSKI, Vanessa Mezzadri.  Packaging design process management of own brand: Condor case. Tutor: Fernando Pereira Pruner. 

HERMES, Letícia. Design and social projects: academic extension processes and effects. Tutor: Elenir Carmen Morgenstern. 

WITKOSKI, Maurélio José. Proposal of a guidebook about ergonomics (NR 17) focused on small textile companies to SEBRAE/SC. Tutor: Victor Rafael Laurenciano Aguiar. 

2018 Projects

Class IV
CAMARGO, Mayra. Design for social innovation: PSS proposal to cultural fairs in Joinville-SC. Tutor: Adriane Shibata Santos.

GALDINO, Daniel Giovani. Digital relationship with fans: marketing guidelines to soccer clubs. Tutor: Elcio Ribeiro da Silva.

FONTANA, Daiane Laís. Design and craft: business plan for artefacts produced by a social project. Tutor: Elenir Carmem Morgenstern.

HADLICH, Caroline. Design management for third-sector sustainability: a proposal for Female Network to Combat Cancer of Indaial. Tutor: Anna Luiza Moraes de Sá Cavalcanti. 

MAHFUD, Deborah Cristine. Design and education: design process applied to sustainability teaching in basic school. Tutor: Adriane Shibata Santos.

PÔRTO, Jonas Daniel. Inclusive tourism: a social insertion proposal for blind people through multisensorial photography. Tutor: João Eduardo Chagas Sobral. 

RIOS, Fernanda Soares. From philosophy to design: a psychedelic chord. Tutor: João Eduardo Chagas Sobral. 

SETTE, Soleni dos Santos Kuhn. Threads and textile fabrics: environmentally friendly techniques and processes through the integration of banana fibers and paineiraTutor: Elenir Carmem Morgenstern.

 THEIS, Mara Rubia. Creation, design, and modelling: development of interactive content to fashion design processes. Tutor: Marli Teresinha Everling. 

VAZ, Franciele. Services design for sales sector in industryTutor: Victor Rafel Laurenciano Aguiar.

Class V

NETO, João Menezes.  Interface redesign of banking reconciliation of Contaazul software. Tutor:  Victor Rafael Laurenciano Aguiar.

DALBOSCO, Ricardo. Proposal of an applicative as an APPGRAMA for active management. Tutor: Victor Rafael Laurenciano Aguiar.

WITKOSKI, Silvana Silva Reiter. Cotton fabric in fashion context: classification toward the environmental impact. Tutor:  Elenir Carmen Morgenstern.

2019 Projects

Class V

AMPHILÓQUIO, Willian. Visually impaired people’s inclusion in digital environment: a proposal to Soul Marketing company. Tutor: João Eduardo Chagas Sobral. 

CECYN, Leonardo Calixto Colin. Designer as a mediator of the creative process of the multidisciplinary assistance team to mental health sector of Children’s Hospital of Joinville Jeser Amarante Faria. Tutor: Marli Teresinha Everling. 

DE SOUZA, Giorgio Leandro. Visual management tool for strategical **s of portfolios and products development. Tutor: Adriane Shibata Santos.

HOFFMEISTER, Cristiane Machado. Biojewel through banana fiber: a partnership with ASBANCO craftswomen. Tutor: Prof. Dr. João Eduardo Chagas Sobral. 

MARCHESINI, Bernardo Linhares. Study on the possibility of visual identities protection of Brazilian soccer clubsTutor: Elcio Ribeiro da Silva. 

RODRIGUES, Rafaela. If the street were ours? Contributions of collaborative approaches in a case study in Joinville. Tutor: Marli Teresinha Everling. 

RIBEIRO, Joseana Maria. Branding experience guidelines for micro and small fashion fabrication and retail brands of Jaraguá do Sul. Tutor: Elcio Ribeiro da Silva. 

SANTOS, Filipe Mesquita dos. Past, present and future of games: cultural, social, and market contexts and trends. Tutor:  João Eduardo Chagas Sobral.

WICK, Carla Feder. Inclusive fashion design: clothing computer science for children with autism. Tutor:  Anna Luiza Moraes de Sá Cavalcanti .


GULGEN, Luciano. Development program of sales professionals in service sector. Tutor:  Victor Rafael Laurenciano Aguiar. 

HORNBURG, Lais Estefani. Personalized supplies: use of 3D printing for clothing industry. Tutor: Prof. Dr. João Eduardo Chagas Sobral.  

LAZZARIS, José Luiz Cercal. Guidelines for costumer’s experience management: offering satisfactory experiences during the graphic design and after-sales services. Tutor: Adriane Shibata Santos. 

MAXIMILIANO, Cristiani. Design guidelines for small retail traders’ windows. Tutor:  Anna Luiza Moraes de Sá Cavalcanti. 

2020 Projects

Class VI

JANSSENS, Kelem Camargo Boaretto. “This way, it’s not gonna work”: an interactive book as a support tool for female entrepreneurship for Sabedorama company. Tutor:  Luiz Melo Romão.  

 ORZECHOWSKI, Igor. Dealer clothing: brand repositioning study. Tutor: Victor Rafael Laurenciano Aguiar.  

 STEIN, Evandro Jefferson. Collaborative design as a strategy for the development of a learning and teaching hybrid methodology for School_Home. Tutor: Marli Teresinha Everling. 
Class VII

GORGES, Franciele Caroline. Inclusive assistance in retail: a qualification proposal of distant teaching for UnivilleTutor: Victor Rafael Laurenciano Aguiar. 

2021 Projects

Class VII

BESSA, Reges. The Proposal for a Personal Brand Repositioning Roadmap. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Victor Rafael Laurenciano Aguiar. Final Project

FERREIRA, Letícia Birolli. Model standardization: measure table for Garota Chic brand. Supervisor: Profa. Dra. Elenir Carmen Morgenstern. 

FERREIRA, Luiz Afranio Alves. Design of a device to access the internal part of refrigerators toward disabled people. Tutor: Danilo Corrêa Silva. 

KLYMYSZYN, Richard. Tech4Good: A Platform for Impact Ecosystem Connectivity and Social Innovation. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Luiz Melo Romão.Final Project

PICCININI, Fábio PinnowDrawing colaborative communities: Colab Fliperama Case. Supervisor: Profa. Dra. Marli Teresinha Everling.Final Project

SCHROEDER, Thais Jorge. Instructional design: systemic management map for SAAS technology companies. Tutor:  Elcio Ribeiro da Silva. 

SILVA, Lucas Ferreira daAudiovisual Production toolkit for Route Raiders Game using 'Design para Poéticas Ambientais' process. Supervisor: Profa. Dra. Marli Teresinha EverlingFinal Project 

TARACHUCKY, Edílson Bories. Beneficiation of fake banana stem materials for the Association of Banana Producers of Corupá-SCTutor: Danilo Corrêa Silva. 

Class VIII

FERREIRA, Rebecca Mathei Soares. Design for Change driven to Furniture Development  for Homeless Shelters with a Sustainable Enphasis. Supervisor: Profa. Ma. Anna Luiza Moraes de Sá Cavalcanti. Final Project
GONÇALVES, Karine CostaMarketing Guidelines for Future Consumers in the Bed, Table  And  Bath Segment. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Victor Rafael Laurenciano Aguiar . Final Project